Rich Perry, expert business and life coach, communication strategist, and best-selling author had this to say about having a coach: 

"Getting the right coach will help you fold time. Rather than wasting time and money trying to figure it out on your own, an expert coach will show you how to properly execute the task so that results come quicker and are more significant."

A coach can help you: 

  • See yourself more clearly
  • Harness your strengths
  • Develop a success mindset
  • Push past your limits

So that you can:

Create a vision for your future: Knowing where you’re going can help inform your decisions and shape your career journey. The problem is, most professionals have only a shortsighted or vague vision. A coach can help you determine where you want to be 5, 10, 15, and 15+ years from now

Maximize your current job potential: Feeling stagnant at work lately and not sure what to do to refuel your fire? A coach can provide personalized guidance on how to maximize your current job so you learn important skills, make critical connections, and do projects you are really passionate about.

Get promoted: Do you feel you deserve a promotion? Whether there’s one you’re aware of or you’re going to pitch your boss why you’re ready for a new opportunity, a career coach is able to help. From preparing your rationale to practicing your speech, they support you climbing the ladder.

Complete career transformations: If you’re thinking of pursing a second or third career, it can be an exciting yet frightening prospect. A coach can help you decide if change is what you truly want, and if so, the best way to make the switch successfully.

Life transformations: Life can change in the blink of an eye. Maybe you’re having your first child and are worried how it will affect your career. Maybe you’re dealing with a difficult divorce and your mind is overwhelmed. Maybe it’s an unexpected death and work no longer feels like a priority. Coaches help you maintain your professional reputation even when your personal life is changing dramatically.

Building Your Business: Being your own boss is a dream for many people, but successfully building and growing your own business requires many important skills and strategies that a career coach can help with.

Keep in mind:

  • A  coach is a facilitator not a fortune teller. Don’t expect your coach to magically have all the answers to your career. You are the only expert on your own life and only you can know what's best for you. You coach isn't here to tell you what to do or how to live your life; they're here to help you with uncovering the kinds of changes you'd like to make, and then figuring out the best ways to make them based on your own personality and current life circumstances.

  • Don’t expect your coach to do the work for you. Coaching does not work unless you do. You have to take what you get from each session and put it into action between sessions. Your coach will support you by holding you accountable for making progress towards your goals, and help you navigate barriers and challenges that get in the way.